Simplifying ELD Compliance in Canada | Part 1 | ELD Malfunctions

Simplifying ELD Compliance in Canada | Part 1 | ELD Malfunctions

Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) were introduced to streamline compliance with Hours of Service regulations for commercial carriers while curbing fraudulent practices. However, the current regulations pose challenges for commercial carriers, making compliance near impossible. Let's delve into the issue and explore the complexities surrounding ELD malfunction compliance in Canada.

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Introducing Technology to Safety Management Systems

Introducing Technology to Safety Management Systems

Welcome to article eight of ten in this series on trucking company safety systems! Now that the role of safety systems has been explored and different parts of a carrier’s safety program have been examined in greater detail, I am going to shift to the role technology can play in compliance management and administration.

In general, the world is moving in the direction of electronic recordkeeping and record creation. Physical paperwork may be used as a backup, but since companies often generate so much documentation and electronic recordkeeping has become secure and reliable, it becomes hard to justify the expense needed to duplicate documents in paper format.

The trucking industry is incredibly disparate in the approach different companies take in their adoption of electronic records, though. Some companies operate completely electronically whenever possible and constantly develop new ways to leverage technology for their operations. Other companies’ use of technology may not extend much further than an email account and cell phone plan.

Don’t misinterpret the above paragraph as a judgement that less technologically sophisticated companies are always wrong, though. At the end of the day, compliance is mandatory but technology is only needed as much as it enhances the ability of the organisation to function as a business. A carrier may be able to manage its workload and make a profit while retaining decades-old physical paperwork and filing systems.

With more of the world becoming reliant on digital documentation, many carriers are embracing digital processes to remain competitive. Think about the daily paperwork requirements of a truck driver, for example. If one company can use electronic devices to reduce the amount of time a driver has to spend on paperwork, not only can the driver be more productive but they will likely enjoy their job more, too. In today’s tight labour market, such things need to be considered.

Now, let’s look at some ways in which electronics can help with safety compliance.

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Trucking Hours of Service Management Systems - The Key Actors

Trucking Hours of Service Management Systems - The Key Actors

Welcome to article five of ten in this series on trucking company safety systems! Past articles in this series have explored the roles of systems in trucking companies, and have also dug into some of the specific purposes safety management systems have at trucking companies.

In this article, I will be examining parts of the carrier’s safety management system that are used to manage compliance with hours of service (HOS) regulations. My intention here is not to tell the reader how to manage HOS compliance; instead, I want to show the reader the different roles within the overall management system, that not all of these roles are under the control or even influence of the carrier, and that all of these roles provide valuable input for the system.

But first, let’s briefly describe the differences between HOS management and fatigue management.

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